Thursday, January 12, 2012

Confidence and Creativity

Sometimes I am randomly hit by the thought that I am so lucky to have such great people in my life. My family and friends are so awesome. They are always inspiring me to be a better person. Each and every one of them has admirable traits and I am a better person for knowing them. My life would be so different, I would be so different, if I didn't have the people that I do in my life.

So today I wanted to mention two fabulous ladies who always encourage me to strive to be stronger, happier, more creative and so much more... Even if they don't realize it.

The first is a girl that I have known all my life. Literally. Carley and I may not always act like the best of friends, but she is one of the most important people in my world. She is one of the most positive people I know and she has the most infectious laugh in the world. Carley just recently started a new blog called Thirty 33 Three Pounds where she talks about her life in a creative style that I will always attribute to her. Her positive attitude, her determination, and her constant creativity are only a few of the things that I admire about her.

The next person I wanted to talk about is someone that I have became friends with over the last four years. I met Jocelyn in our sophomore year of high school because we were both on the newspaper staff. For a long time I was intimidated by the confident girl who seemed to know so much more about things than I did. I was envious of her impeccable style, outgoing nature, and natural beauty. Since then I have come to admire so many more things about her. In her new blog, When I was 18..., Jocelyn talks about her life now and what her kids will one day know about the person she is now.

One day I hope to be as confident as Jocelyn and as creative as Carley. I constantly strive to be as positive as they both are about their lives. I love spending time with these two girls and I'm so glad that I have both of them in my life. Wherever they both end up down the road, I know that they will be happy and successful.