Something Mr. Thompson said at the end of third term came to mind today. That day we were talking about how we were so close to being done with junior high. He said that from then on time was going to fly by. At the time I was thinking 'Well yeah. We've all heard that before. And I know it's true.' But it surprises me now just
how fast things seem to be happening lately. It feels so strange to think that I am not a student at Fairfield anymore. I think of my last day there and I think how normal it seemed. It didn't feel like an end. I knew it was, but it didn't feel like it.
That day was different though. As I went through all of my classes for that final time, I had to hold back tears. All day I was thinking about how I might not see some of these people ever again. Realizing that some people that I had become friends with that year were going to different schools next year was hard. My really close friends will keep in contact with me, but the ones that weren't as close.... Well.... I don't know when, or if, I will see them again.
Needless to say, this summer has been a time of change in my life. It all started with Washington DC and the amazing experience I had there. I realized, while in that amazingly beautiful place, that I had no idea what I really want to do with my life. I had put all of my time and effort into Science Olympiad for three years and now I didn't know if I would really want to go into science at all. I love it. That much I'm sure about, but I don't know if I really want to be doing that stuff for the rest of my life. I also realized that I would love to live in DC. It is an unbelievable place and I fell in love with it while I was there.
I also started driving about three weeks ago. I took a Drivers Ed class out at Fremont High School. My grandma works there and my cousin was taking the class, so Izzy and I decided we would take it there too. We got our permits about a week into the class and we have been driving to the store and other places when our parents have to go somewhere. I am way nervous behind the wheel. When I'm thinking about driving I'm fine. I think I'm a pretty good driver so far. However, something happens when I turn the key and start moving. I am so afraid that I'll get into an accident that I can't relax. I know that once I have enough experience it will be a lot easier, but it's impossible for me to know how much experience I'll need to be able to feel comfortable driving.
Another thing that has gotten me to realize how fast things are changing is my older sister, The Wendy Bird (haha). Anyway, Wendy lives in Ohio. In past years she has come out here to visit my dad and we'd see her when we went to his house on the weekends, but my dad moved to California this year and so we didn't know what was going to happen. All summer we asked our dad to have her come out and stay with our grandma or her grandpa. It got to the point where I didn't think she'd come. We only have so much summer left and I had no idea what Wendy was going to be up to for the rest of the summer.
For the last week Wendy has been staying with her grandpa who lives down the street from us. It has been an awesome week. I've gotten to know my sister more and we've had the most amazing time ever. It's so weird to think that she is almost 18 though. I remember when we were little and she still lived here. There was a year when she lived with us and it was great. Back then we knew each other. We saw each other more than once a year. We talked to each other more than once every few months. I didn't have to wonder how life would be if she were around back then.
I wrote a blog at the beginning of the year about
change. I said that I didn't like change and that I wished things wouldn't ever change. Another thing I've realized this summer is that I don't mind the way things are changing now. Sure, not all of the changes are good but I can live with it. Without some change life would be incredibly boring. People would stay the same and things would stay the same and nothing would ever be. . . Different. I like that I get to go to a new school come August 25. I like that I'm going to meet new people and have new teachers. I can't wait to see what high school will be like. I can't wait to see how this summer has changed my friends because I haven't really hung out with them at all. I can't wait to see how the changes of this summer will effect my life. I'm glad that things are changing.