Wednesday, February 11, 2009


There are so many things that have gone through my mind in the last hour or so. And since it has been a while since I've actually blogged something substantial I figured that I would write something today.

About an hour ago I was sitting on my bed, watching TV, and browsing the internet on my laptop and I had a thought. 'I wonder if anyone else has blogged lately'. After following that thought I saw that Mr. T had written a blog a couple of days ago. It made me happy to see it. I love reading other people's blogs. Especially when the blog belongs to someone I haven't spoken to in a while. On top of that Mr. T's blog was on something that I've actually wondered about before. It was great to read it (along with the links to other blog entries that worked with it); it got me really thinking about a lot of things (things that did not necessarily correspond with the topic of the blog).

One of these things came from an assignment that I am starting in one of my classes. The assignment is to research a college you might want to go to. Find the majors that you might consider, look at admission requirements. That kind of thing. I was thinking about it and then I saw Mr. T's blog and it just kind of emphasized what I've already been thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life. Right now I have two ideas about what I might want to do. These ideas are completely different from what they were a year ago. It was about this time last year that I was beginning to change my mind on what I did and didn't want to do with the rest of my life. A year ago I wanted to be an Aerospace engineer. A big shot smarty pants who would design all kinds of fancy mechanics for NASA and such. It was a big dream of mine since an astronaut came to my elementary school in sixth grade. I realized then that I really wanted to know more about the universe. I wanted to see the universe. However, I am not the kind of person who would be into the whole shooting a rocket up into space and so astronaut was out (this also how I came to rule out firefighter in second grade, I hate heights and that cherry picker thing would scare the crap out of me). The next logical conclusion I came to was to work with the astronauts in some way that would allow me to be close while staying away at the same time.

I have mentioned previously that 2008 was a big year for me. There were a lot of inspirations that came with the events (good and bad) that came with it. One of these was that, while science has always been interesting to me, I can't see it being a career. It might be fun, but I can easily see that fun wearing off eventually. So I started thinking (because of course I need to know my life plan in 9th grade) about what talents and interests I had that I didn't think I could ever get bored with. My conclusion? Writing. Reading. Discussing language and ideas. All of these things led me to several career ideas. First there was writing. I know that the percentage of writers who actually manage to live off of their writing alone is very small and, even if I think I am an decent writer, the chance of me making it would be slim. The next thing that came to me was teaching, English specifically. I thought, "If I could learn to teach and inspire kids half as well as Mr. T did for me then I might find that I would really like it". The third inspiration is actually more recent. Journalism. This year I am on Layton High's newspaper staff. I love it. I love the environment and I love the work. I'm actually going to apply to be an editor next year. I could see myself going far with journalism. I could inform people about world issues all the while informing myself. It is very very appealing to me right now. I love it! That isn't the only thing Mr. T's blog made me think about today, though.

Another thought inspiring thing came along when I came to the part of Mr. T's blog that mentioned his inspiration to become a teacher and the teachers he had. He said that in high school he had a really great English teacher one year and then a not so great one the next year. It made me think about my current (and sad) English situation. I had Mr. T last year and I loved his class. He was THE funnest and THE coolest teacher I've had and, if that were not already enough to make me love 9th grade English, I learned a lot from him and his class. This year however, we've gone through one and a half books (both under three hundred pages), I've written one serious essay (which has been the only real assignment we've done), I find the class and the teacher ridiculous, and yet I have learned. It may not be the kind (or the quality) of learning that I got in Mr. T's class last year, but they are lessons that I value all the same. These lessons have a lot to do with how to deal with things you don't like. I have also learned that a drama teacher does not make a good English teacher (ha ha). Sure, I would absolutely love to have another teacher like Mr. T, or, better yet, just to have him again, but it is beneficial for me (even though I'm not actually learning anything that goes with the curriculum) to experience different types of teacher even (some could consider it especially) ones that I don't like.

I have spent so much time on this blog that I don't necessarily know where the rest of them went. However, this is more substantial than almost anything I've written in a while. So there you go. If anyone still reads this please let me know. I haven't seen any comments in a while.