Sunday, June 3, 2012


I know I write about change a lot, but lately I've been amazed at how much can change in such a short period of time. Change can be started by the most simple of things: a phone call about a job interview, a Facebook message sent in the early hours of the morning, or even an interjection into a conversation that you weren't actually part of. Those things happen all of the time. I send messages on Facebook almost daily and I'm always talking to people (whether or not I was part of the conversation to begin with.) What has really caused so much to change is the fact that I've wanted this change and I have actively taken part in making myself a happier and more positive person. With that, I've found that I have more friends and more opportunities. 

A year ago I was a new high school graduate with plans and ideas about my future but no real friends. I thought I knew who I was... but it turned out that I had tried to force myself into being something that was not quite natural for me. I can't really say that I have it all figured out now, but I have a better idea. My first year of college taught me a lot about the things that I don't want to be doing for the rest of my life and the things that I do still enjoy but cannot see myself making a career out of. I met all kinds of people but was not quite ready to come out of my shell enough to be friends with most of them. I watched. I listened. I came out of it as a person who could accept that I don't really know where my path is going to take me yet. I know now that there is still so much more about myself that I need to learn. I also know that in order to learn more about myself, I need to be more open to doling things that I wouldn't normally do. 

This was going to be a blog about my sister's graduation party last night as well as the two people who have become my best friends over the last couple of weeks... I don't know what happened to that. Maybe after I get back from camping with Ian and Megan next week. :P In the meantime, I hope anyone who reads this is enjoying life as much as I am these days.