Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Writing Down the Bones is so much more than I expected it to be, even when I read the first couple of chapters during school. I've been ready at least a couple pages everyday and I've taken to highlighting everything that I find interesting or inspires me. There hasn't been a single page that I haven't highlighted anything and I've had so much going through my mind because of it. The book may be about writing, but I think anyone could gain something from reading it. Regardless of whether or not you're a writer, it's still interesting and valuable to have a mind that is so active. I have so many thoughts about so many things running through my mind and because I am a writer, I think that I could sit down and write about it all for days.

I may sit down and write about it all for at least a few hours. I don't think I'd ever want anyone to read it, but that's not the point, is it? Natalie Goldberg talks a lot about "first thoughts" and writes a chapter on obsessions and that seems to be the mode that this book has put my mind in right now. Every new thought or memory that comes to mind is surprising and I just need a way to express them all without losing a single one. It sounds like I'm writing in the wrong place right now, doesn't it? If I'm having all of these "first thoughts" that really should be written down, why I am writing about them instead?

I think I'm going to go write in my notebook for a little while. I'll let you know if anything good comes out of it, but I don't really mind if nothing does.