Today, June 21, is a good day. It is the first real day of summer, the longest day of the year, and Father's Day. School has been out for a couple weeks and life is moving forward. We have not gotten many chances to enjoy the sun yet, but as I look out my window I can see that today is not one full of clouds and rain... Completely.
I do not remember ever having this much rain in the summer. In fact, my mom told me a week or so ago that she does not even remember ever having this much rain. I guess it all is just coming together to create my summer that does not feel like summer. Now wait, I am not complaining. I know it probably sounds like I am... But I am not. I actually like that it is really rainy because if it were not then I would really feel like I am missing something while I am in class or at work. I am missing some things, but they do not seem as big as it would if I was stuck in class or at work when it was warm and sunny outside. I love warm and sunny weather.
However, I did not start this blog today to talk about the weather. I started it, for the first time in weeks (whoops!), because today is Father's Day and I just happen to be so lucky as to have two fathers to celebrate on this awesome day.
To tell you the truth, I am not really celebrating them both today. This is because my dad lives in California. We celebrated his birthday and Father's day with him in May, while we were at my sister's high school graduation in Ohio. However, I am thinking about them both. They are both awesome people and I love them and today I just thought that I would share a little bit of that.
The first of my "fathers", as I have already mentioned, is my dad. My dad is a computer programmer who does not like to stay in one place. He is incredibly talented and definitely incredibly smart, but he just does not like to be in one job for too long. That is how he ended up in California. He had been running his own company for a while, probably over a year or two or three or four (I do not really know, my time when it comes to my visits with him is really messed up), and I guess he just decided that he was ready to have a boss again. He started looking around. At first he talked a lot about Oregon and other places like that. He had been talking about moving for so many years that I did not really think that it would happen. You see, my dad does not always follow through with things he talks about. He just has too many ideas and too many plans. I think I got that from him. However, eventually he got this job out in California. He moved over a year ago.
My dad is a goofy guy. I have so many odd memories of us. A long time ago, probably more than four years back, my dad lived in my grandma's basement. I can not remember if this was when we still went to see him every weekend and not every other weekend, but that does not really matter. We spent a lot of our time in really simple ways and then really not all at the same time back then. A lot of Saturdays were just spent hanging around grandma's house, playing on the trampoline or watching tv with dad downstairs. One particular Saturday we were listening to music, watching tv, eating breakfast (or lunch or snacks or whatever), running through the house... Whatever, while dad was cleaning up the basement. There was this one particular song that he loved: The Country Death Song. It is a good song. In fact, I wish I had it on my laptop (fixing that as I type... Ha ha.) It is a crazy song. The lyrics are not something you would expect to find a dad dancing around the room singing to his daughters. I loved it, though. I love that song.
When you live more than half an hour away from your dad you find that you spend a lot of time in the car when you go to visit him. Or at least, that is how it was with us. We always were doing something, always going somewhere. So we all got very used to travel small talking/goofing off. We would listen to the radio while some of us talked or joked or played. You would not expect the driver of a vehicle to be participating that much in all of that, but he usually did. One thing that he always seemed to do... It would be quiet in the car or the person up front with him would be quiet or someone in the back would be quiet... Whoever it was, he would look at them (whether directly if they sat next to him or through the rearview mirror) and say/sing "On the first day of Christmas my Mackie gave to me..." and sometimes he would go on or sometimes he would stop there. Always using the nickname he preferred for each of us, because we each have a nickname. I have always been Mac or Mackie or some other form of it. Always.
He is also a tall guy. Practically a giant. None of us will ever reach his size. Which is cool. I love that he is so much taller than all of us. At least that will never change. He crazy red hair. It is really really long now. His hair is kind of a thing between me and him. Every time I see it it is so much longer and every time I tell him: "Dad, seriously, you really need a haircut." And we have been doing this for years. I love it. Some people do not always think I am joking. Sometimes the joke turns sour when someone will get mad at me, but it is never dad. He gets that I am just kidding. I really think is long hair is awesome. It is kind of who he is now. He did not used to be like that. The long hair would no have fit him during the days of our weekly visits.
Mmm. I can not get the image of my dad dancing and singing with his 5 daughters in my grandma's basement (or anywhere for that matter) out of my head. It is definitely one I cherish.
Anyway, dad. I do not know if you read my blog anymore... Whether because you are just too busy or whatever else... But if you are, know that I am thinking about you. That I miss you (I pretty much always miss you). That I think you are awesome. That I love you. Happy Father's Day.
The next "Father" that I am celebrating today is my step dad. At this point in my life he has been around longer than not. And though we may not seem like the best of friends sometimes, and though we did not neccessarily 'click' from the very beginning, I have no idea what any of us (me, my sisters, my mom) would ever do without him.
Bill is a goofy guy too. However, his is a different kind of goofy. I could never see him dancing or singing like my dad does. It is just not him. Which is good, because I think if I saw anyone other than my dad doing that I would find them plain strange... Well... My dad is actually pretty strange. Bill does a lot of impersinations. A lot of the time I do not get them, but they are funny anyway. They make me laugh.
My family is really close. We all do a lot of things together. We watch a lot of movies and play a lot of games. We go camping and boating and four wheeling. We hang out in the back yard or in the living room and just talk. Just last night we all stayed up playing Mario Kart. Laughing and screaming as Mario passed Yoshi (which is amazing because the person playing Mario sucks... he he.) or Baby Daisy got first place again. It was great. It was great that Bill stayed up and played with us even though he had to get up really early to go to work this morning.
When we watch movies, more often than not we will be watching something that Bill and my mom have seen and loved. It is always fun because I like a lot of the same things as my parents. A long time ago (back when we were all night owls) we would spend all night watching movies and Bill would be the last one up as we all lay asleep on the couch. Eventually the tv would get turned off and we would all go to bed after talking about the movie for a few minutes: what we slept through, what was good, when they saw it the first time... Anything.
Bill and I like a lot of the same foods. The only main exception that I know of is fish. I can not stand fish. However, basically anything else he cooks I eat. I love spicy things. He probably he things that are a lot more spicy than I would ever eat, but I like spicy food more than anyone else in my family beside him. I also eat the same kind of steak as him. When we go to a restauraunt that I've never been to before I ask him what I should get.
Bill always has projects going and often they sit there for a long time without being finished. However, a lot more gets done than not. He built the wall that turned our basement into the bedroom that I loved until I had to move upstairs because Abby and Linzie needed more space, he fixes the dryer, the washer, the dishwasher, toys, skateboards, boats, four wheelers, cars, name it and he has probably been asked to fix it.
I remember how things were before he and my mom got together... A little bit at least. We had a sock basket where all of our socks went and we would have to dig through it everyday to find socks that matched, we never went camping, we did not have movie nights or game nights. Our favorite dinner was cheesy spaghetti (and what is wrong with that? I love cheesy spaghetti....) However, I love grill nights a lot more.
I do not know. There is so much I could say about Bill. He is there for me. That is a really important one. He is there for all of us. He does so much for all of us girls. Of course there have been hard times. Everybody has them. The important thing is that we all stick together. We are there for him and he is there for us.
Happy Father's Day Bill. You are amazing. Thanks so much for all that you do for me. I love you. And I am sad that you had to work today and that we can not just all hang out. Waking up, making you breakfast, and watching cartoons with you at 5 this morning was fun though. You rock. :D
So yeah. There is my Father's Day blog. I just wanted to say a little something since it was been over two weeks since my last blog. Happy Father's Day. Happy first day of summer! Let us hope the sun decides to stick around!