Monday, October 1, 2007


Ok, so I have so many ideas for stories lately that it isn't even funny, and the problem with this is that I don't have any time to write my stories. So I was just wondering if anyone would possibly want to write collaboratively with me. Kind of like how The Pigman is. We'd each have one main character and the chapters could switch off between the characters....

Just an idea. But if you're at all interested leave me a comment ok? Then we can start brainstorming and what not.


1 comment:

Kar Kar said...

I would be interested besides the fact that you and I don't get along the very best and we might be tempted to just kill each others character one day. However, you could explain to people our other method of writing the fictional way where, its not the chapters, but the characters. Like the story my best friend and I did. Oh! Did I tell you? We've actually started the outline and we have it our goal, before college, to get it published. Though it may take many years of searching and stuff, because I know we're not the best of writers, but still- wouldn't that be awesome?! You'd be a twin of an AMAZING author and her friend who would also be a SUPER AMAZING author, such as I!!! Mwah ha ha ha!

Again, sorry for the long comment.