It's finally here. The end of the first quarter of my last year at Fairfield Junior High. I don't know what I was really expectng it to be at first, but this was not it. I wasn't expecting to be this busy this year. I wasn't planning to be having so much fun that I hate going home everyday. I did not expect to be hanging out with a whole new group of people and almost never speaking to those people I have been friends with since my very first day at our beloved school. There is nothing more surprising than finding out that the people who you've been closest too for the longest time are not the people you really want to be around.
Everything is changing now. Everything I've known about being a student at Fairfield since before I even started going to school here has been changing. All my classes are harder, and I'm actually finding that I need help understanding things. This has never happened to me before. In the past I always understood what was going on in class.
My friends have been changing even more than my classes and expectations have. My best friend, who will be known as Panduck for this entry, who I met during HP summer camp before seventh grade isn't my best friends anymore. I'm sad to say that she's not really my friend at all. We talk to each other sometimes and I see her at lunch and everywhere else, but we don't hang out anymore, we don't write notes to each other, and the story we started writing over a year ago is now over. It's incomplete, but we're done writing it. The thing about the whole situation is that I don't mind. My friends now are people that I wish I'd been hanging out with all along. They don't fight as much, and they don't cause as much drama as my old friends did. Don't get me wrong I love all my friends. It's just so much easier to hang out with people who don't cause much drama.
As well as things that have been going on at home lately there are a lot of things going on at home. I've been spending a lot of time with my family on my mom's side lately. The Thomases are great people, but like any other family they have their issues. When your with them it's always a different experience. Their are always so many people at my grandmothers house. The house is never lonely, and its chaos is my favorite thing about going there.
My Grandpa and Grandma Thomases' house is the best place in the world to me. It's the only house that I've ever been in that almost always remains the same. Every christmas they put out their little ceramic village and the big lighted trees. When you go inside you almost always hear the chatter of people and you're always warmly welcomed. I always go straight to my grandma and hug her. There is not a single person that makes me as happy as my grandma does. I've been at least a foot taller than her for years now, and my little sister are almost reaching that mark as well. My grandpa is a very great man. His smile is so great that when I see it I can't help but smile too. There is nothing that I love more than being at my grandma's house.
Wow. I've really gotten off topic here. Haha.
Well since this blog has turned into more of a collection of a bunch of random thoughts I think I'll continue.
I had a friend when I lived in Salt Lake whose name was Jessica. I called her Jess, because Jessica seemed like more of a girly type name than Jess did. Jess was definitely a tom boy. The only one I had ever known back then. Jess' favorite thing in the world was playing soccer. I hated it but I played it with her anyway because I knew that it was something that she liked to do. Hers was a friendship I will never forget. Jess was a very confident and intimidating girl. She was always up to something, and half the time it was daring other kids to go into the "men's room" or the "ladies' room" which was what the teachers called their bathrooms which kids weren't allowed to go in. No one ever did except for a few, and usually those kids pretended they hadn't. Or so I heard.
I can't tell you how often I think about Jessica and what type of person she is now. Through-out the years I've seen a lot of my old friends from when I lived near Salt Lake, in Sandy. I've seen so many of them that it's not even funny, and when I do see them I love to see how different they are from what I remember. I haven't seen any of them in a couple of years now, and I wish I had. I like to think that they remember me as I remember them, but I don't think very many of them do. I think many of them would hate my guts now if we still knew each other, because as alike as we were then I'm sure we're all very different now. Even saying that I'd love to see some of them again.
Lately I've been thinking about a lot of different things as you can see by this very unorganized blog. I've been thinking about next year and what high school I'll go to. I have two possible options open right now. One says I go to Fremont High school out in Plain City and get car privileges along with Izzi. Another says I go to Layton High school and walk everyday. I'm not sure which school I want to go to yet, because both are really great. Both schools' art programs are decent from what I've heard, but I'm not interested in art. I've heard very little of anything else about either school, but I do know that Layton's orchestra is really small. I'm not sure if I'd like being part of a really small orchestra.
I've also been thinking about pets lately. My cousin had to sell her dog on Saturday and it tore her apart to do so. Both mine and her dog are great pets, and both of them are somewhat of a nuisance sometimes. The dogs' barks are both incredibly loud for their sizes. My cousins dog is large, and mine is small. Both are pretty loud and not like very much by neighbors. When my cousin had to sell her dog it made me incredibly sad because I thought about how I'd feel if I lost my dog, Koda. I don't know what my cousin will do without her dog. They've practically grown up together.
So there's been a lot on my mind lately and that's just a little bit of it. I've also been thinking about writing a children's book/story. I'm not sure if I will or not, but I've come up with some great ideas about story lines for it. I don't know. I've gotten a lot of ideas for things I can write and I've never really finished any of them.
Well I've spent enough time writing this now I'm going to go get working on this terms assignments.
Ahh! You HAVE to go to Layton! Please?!?!?!?!?!
It is sort of weird to get new friends, but sometimes it's for the best. I became attached to a different group of friends once.
That turned out to be a very good call. Now my old friends are really scary! They try to be tough, and they wear really punky clothing and make up.
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