Monday, September 7, 2009

Bolding Not-So-Random Things is Fun

Time is a crazy thing. It just keeps going faster and faster and there is not one thing that anyone on this planet could do to stop that. The moments that seem the most important, the most significant, are the ones that go by the fastest. I have noticed that a lot more lately. The more you want to hold on to a moment, the faster it passes. Is that just me? I do not think so.

In May I went to Ohio to see my oldest sister graduate from high school. The whole weekend I kept thinking about how crazy it was that Wendy was graduating. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were walking down the street from Dad's house to the bakery? Weren't we just with dad, playing games and watching movies in grandma's basement? It was very bizarre to me. My dad kept saying that we would blink and the weekend would be gone, we would blink and I would be the one graduating. We would blink and time would have flown by again.

Earlier this summer I invited Kara to come boating with my family and I. We were sitting up in the front of the boat, my favorite place to relax in the world, and we started talking about how crazy it is that we are now juniors. So many of our friends are graduating from high school this year. Isn't it crazy that we've known each other for four years? I think it is. I know Kara laughs at me when I start talking about things like this. As you can tell from reading my blog, time and change are my favorite things to rant about.

Time has flown by faster than ever in the last four months. A lot of things have changed... Part of that is my ability to create a decent blog post. All of them seem to be the same now... I can't believe that I'm running out of things to talk about. I always have something to talk about.

Maybe it isn't so much that I have run out of things to talk about... But that I just don't have a lot of things to blog about. Obviously, there are many things in my life that I can't or won't talk about on this blog... It would feel good to write these things out and possibly talk to someone about them... But I am not so sure that the consequences would be worth it. Believe it or not, my life is pretty crazy right now. There's a lot going on in my mind and Kara could tell you that when we are together I hardly ever run out of things to say.

One thing that I do not mind talking about is my mood as of late. If you have been around me then perhaps you have noticed that I am irritated a lot lately. I don't like it. In fact, I hate it and I am trying to get myself out of it. As I said though, there is a lot going on in my mind lately. Most of it isn't really happy... Though it isn't incredibly bad. I'm not overly angry at anyone or anything like that. I'm just... Annoyed.

And... I don't know. I could go into greater detail... But I don't think I will on here. There are a lot of contributing factors... School, family, friends. I think I'm in a little over my head this year... My classes are good and I love all but one of them, but I got involved in too many extra things. I've also got friends from different groups who I want desperately to hang out with... But when I bring them together... Let's just say that it isn't the party of the century. They don't fight or anything. They just get quiet and I get bored. They complain... Not to point any fingers.

I don't know. I'm working on it. My mood. My obnoxious and pointless blog posts. My over-active brain. All of it.

In the meantime life is still good. I still have friends. No matter how irritating they are at times.


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