Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Crucible and Other Events

This year I am taking AP English Language. So far it is a really good class. I am actually learning things, unlike last year. We do vocabulary and rhetorical device quizzes pretty much every class period. Sometimes it is hard, and I only have a B+, but I am really liking the class.

So, for about a week we have been reading a play called The Crucible. It is about the Salem witch trials, but was written much later. It is very interesting and is very thought provoking. I just finished reading the last act twenty minutes ago. That is one thing I love about English classes, sometimes they force you to read something that you would have missed out on if you hadn't been in the class.

In other news, our first newspaper came out a week ago. It was definitely a good product for the first issue of the year. I was very excited for it to come out... Though I doubt that many people actually appreciate the work we put into it as a staff. It's ok. I just have fun putting it together and seeing the final product.

Other than that...

I think that it is about time for me to change my theme again. I need something new... Also, I'm going to try to take a lot more pictures with my camera and get them up on this blog... Lately my stuff on here has been really boring.

I have a trip next week that I am going on for FBLA. I will take lots of pictures and then come back and write a GREAT post on it.

Hope life is good for all of you who read this!

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