Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Beauty in the Stars

So, I'm cleaning my room and packing right now. I shouldn't be online, as I have to leave in less than 3 hours, but I found this poem that I wrote while I should have been taking notes in Astronomy during the first week. So here it is:

Turn your eyes
to the stars
and admire 
their beauty.

Why does such
stark contrast
draw my attention

Long have my dreams
been lifted to
the night sky,
the celestial bodies
that hover there.

One day I will
reach the stars
and find there

my destiny.

Lost will be
the science
of my world, 
all that will 
remain is the
surreal beauty
of the

One day I will
find myself
in the

night sky.

It's not a masterpiece or anything. It definitely needs work. But since I haven't really written a whole lot of creative stuff lately (though I did write a new train piece last week!) I thought I would share this for anyone who might be interested.

Oh! I'm bringing my copy of Writing Down the Bones on the flight to New Orleans. Expect some kind of writing either when I land or once I am back on Sunday.

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