Monday, May 16, 2011


Eight posts in one day. I call that productivity.

I'm in Creative Writing and I know that I've been saying for a while that I was going to post the writing I have been doing this semmester. Well, now I have posted some of it. There's a lot more than that, and I didn't even get to my better pieces. However, I will be getting them up soon. I have a lot going on right now, but I haven't yet abandoned this blog in the four years since I started it.

Speaking of four years, I think I decided that the perfect time to make this blog into a book is going to be right after graduation. I'm not going to stop writing in it then, but I've been meaning to get this blog "published" since I found out that I could. I'm at nearly 150 posts and I'm reaching a time of my life that is very fitting for the end. Dorky, I know, but I'm excited.

I've got another exciting post that I am going to be putting up here in the next few days. It was an assignment for my AP Lit class that I finished at one this morning. I'll explain it more later, but it is going to be awesome!

1 comment:

Mary Lauren said...

Can't wait to see it! Just rediscovered my love of reading blogs and writing them too! I won't forget again... well, I'll try not to anyway.